Why John Leon is Widely Recognized As a Different Breed of Attorney.

Outstanding legal representation is generally hard to come by, but if the time comes when you need it, you will you be glad it’s there. A great lawyer can help you or your business in a multiple ways; Whether you’re going through a personal injury litigation process, corporate or commercial transactions and even crisis management, having the right attorney to rely on will certainly make your life much easier.
This is part of the reason why attorney John Leon has forged such a successful career in law for himself. Having built a prestigious, widely recognised legal practice from nothing, it’s easy to see why he’s one of the most sought after legal experts in today´s fast paced and complex business environment.
From a young age, it was clear that John Leon was destined to be a problem solver, and somebody to take affirmative action. The man who was tenacious and decisive as a youngster and, today, has a stellar reputation within the legal profession and is making waves in the legal industry thanks to his unorthodox approach to counselling and litigation which involves in depth understanding and preparation prior to each and every case, as no battle is the same.
While finding an average lawyer is easy, John Leon is anything but average. His unique litigation style, commanding presence, and passion for victory make him a virtually undefeatable opponent in the courtroom. Yes, John Leon is an attorney, but he’s a different kind of attorney, which is exactly what this country needs; A big problem within the legal profession is that many attorneys nowadays lack true passion for their work, they measure their success merely in the amount of billable hours and therefore don’t always have their client’s best interests at heart. In some cases, certain attorneys might even become liabilities.
John, however, is different. His love of the legal profession and his obsession with victory have propelled him to build an outstanding reputation for himself and his practice, thanks to his ability to fight for his clients and stand up for the little guy; John eats, breathes, sleeps, and lives to be a lawyer. He doesn’t know how to be anything else, nor would he want to be.
Many consider Mr. Leon and his practice to be the gold standard of legal representation in Florida, and for good reason. With over two decades of litigation experience, John Leon has won countless cases and is not afraid to take on the role of David, when battling Goliath. This is evident in the fact that he has taken on numerous Fortune 100 companies in cases that have resulted in thousands of settlements and judgements, with that trademark bulldog tenacity that people have come to expect from him.
There’s a reason why John Leon is one of the most respected attorneys in the country, and there’s a reason why clients of all sizes come to him seeking legal representation and advice time and time again. He has a pristine reputation, but more importantly, he has the stones necessary to back it up and practice what he preaches. In lawyers today, that’s incredibly rare.
We recently interviewed Mr. Leon, here´s what he told us:
Have you always considered yourself a fighter?
Always. I built my Firm, our niche, our trial practice, brick by brick. I have fought for every client and their needs since the day we opened our doors years and years ago.
Do you have any rituals that you put yourself through to “get in state” before litigation on a major case?
Aside from preparing our own case, we prepare our opponents case as though we were litigating against ourselves. Doing this allows me to know my opponents case as well as they do, giving our firm an important advantage. As a lawyer, one can never truly and fully understand our arguments and legal strategy unless we understand that of our opponents as well.
How do you and your team celebrate after a major victory in the courtroom?
We prepare for our next battle. We never rest on our past successes. We believe we are only as good as our most recent results.
When did you know you wanted to become a lawyer? What attracted you the most to the profession?
I have a background in politics and was inspired by the American Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. Those two things along with my ability to argue and debate as well as critically analyse problems, made being a trial lawyer and crisis manager a natural fit.
How do you manage to remain professional at all times while litigating? What keeps you from taking things personally?
As a crisis manager and trial lawyer, I have greater success by preserving and maintaining my professional relationships with opposing parties than I would if I were to allow personal feelings to interfere with my ultimate goal, which is always a positive outcome for my client.